self capacitive and mutual capacitive sensors aligned next to each other with orange wires

Self-Capacitive and Mutual-Capacitive Sensors...Round 2

You may remember the first blog post on this topic which included Snoop Dogg…

Xymox circuitry-printing machine in the facility

Screen Printing 101

Screen printing has always been and remains a very versatile part of Xymox…

numerous round display gauges on a black control panel

What is Resistance and Why Does it Matter?

When referring to circuits, resistance is a common word that you will come…

black ink being poured out of a bucket

PEDOT, aka Magic Water

Screen printed PEDOT is a nearly clear conductive polymer. An interesting…

a hand holding a pen writing out a checklist in a small notebook

Deciding Between a Custom Touch Sensor Solution or Off-the-Shelf?

If you are thinking about adding a touch screen to your assembly, do you know…

silver handheld holepunch

Optical Punch, What is it and Why Use it?

This is an automatic optical punch machine:

a large wall covered in sticky notes with a person preparing to add a new one to the wall

What is Total Quality Management?

What does it mean to practice Total Quality Management? According to ISO…

a hand holding a small transparent glass ball

Interns Give Xymox a Fresh Perspective

Alex Rodriguez & Drew Baumann, provide a fresh perspective and discuss…

What Happens to Your Touch Sensor When a Display Goes End of Life?

It is so easy to have a display supplier stick a touch sensor right onto the…