Safety is No Accident at Xymox

In October 2017, Xymox achieved 1,000 days without a lost time injury.  This type of achievement doesn’t just happen by luck.  It takes a safety first conscious workforce, an active safety team, and a commitment from management to provide a safe work environment. Work place injuries are more than just a cost burden to a company, they affect the moral of the entire company, they impact friends and family, and can permanently change the injured workers life.  Xymox believes that not only can we prevent injuries from occurring in the workplace, but we can provide an environment where people can actually get healthier with such benefits as a wellness program, onsite chiropractic care, ergonomic work stations, and a healthy work/life balance.

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 A little safety tip to take away: as the temperature drops and the ground gets slick, just remember to “walk like a penguin” – you might look a little silly but at least you’ll stay safe!
