Epic 40th Birthday Celebration

At Xymox, we have 4 core values, integrity, service, results, & employees. The first 3 are business standards that we hold ourselves to, but the fourth, employees, they are what drive our business and help us achieve those standards. Our employees are our lifeblood! We figure, you only turn 40 once, so naturally we threw an epic, week-long, celebration for our employees to show our appreciation for all their hard work (and too much fun was had)!

Xymox Employees 40 Year Silly (c&c)

Bags Tournament: 28 teams participated, some of the games got pretty intense. Each person on the winning team took home custom made boards! Congrats Lloyd and D!

Bags Tourney

Executive Staff Car Wash: Have you ever had your CEO wash your car? 40 of our employees were the lucky raffle winners of a car wash from their boss (and their bosses boss!)

Xymox Car Wash

The Big Party: Employees, family, and friends were all invited to the big celebration:Xymox Party

✓ Food trucks

✓ Bouncy house & obstacle course

✓ Sprecher root beer truck & lots of ice cream to go with it

✓ Factory tours

✓ Face painting

✓ Photobooth

✓ DJ

✓ and more!

It was the best 40th birthday party ever!

Pancake Breakfast: To wrap up the festivities, the executive staff cooked breakfast for all of the employees, they sure know how to make a mean chocolate chip pancake!

Something amazing we learned from the party: our employees were allowed to bring their family onto the factory floor to show them where they work and what they do; it was amazing to see how excited and proud they were to show it off!

Don’t lose sight of how important it is to let your employees know that they matter, and that you appreciate them!


Xymox 40 Year Logo (c)