What Happens to Your Touch Sensor When a Display Goes End of Life?

It is so easy to have a display supplier stick a touch sensor right onto the…

Touch Sensors, What Costs Do I Need to Consider?

There are a number of costs to consider when designing the best touch sensor…

Touch Sensors: Self Capacitive & Mutual Capacitive

Self-Capacitive Sensors and Mutual Capacitive Sensors……And I’m bored. Ok, let’s…

Capacitive Sensors are More than a Touch Screen

Capacitive sensors are just that – a sensor that senses a change in…

Construction of a Touch Sensor

Touch sensors have a lot of layers; the order and construction of those layers…

a hand touching a touchscreen

Making the Switch (from Membrane Switch to Touch Sensor)

Membrane switches are a tried and true solution but with technologies evolving,…

Touch Sensors: Capacitive vs. Resistive

As you may know that there are two different kinds of touch sensors, capacitive…

Capacitive Touch Controllers

A functional touch sensor requires two things: a sensor and a controller. The…

Uncompromised Touch Sensor Design

A stock touch sensor can be a great solution for your product, not to mention…

Capacitive Sensor Styles: Matrix vs. Discrete vs. Slider

When you consider adding a capacitive touch sensor to your application, you…